The Team
Rhona, Chairperson and our very own plant whisperer,
who keeps us all right on what's not a weed!!
Loraine, Treasurer, still doesn't know what's a weed or a flower.
Scott, Vicechair wis or wisny he there?
Jackie R
Secretary, biker chick and powerhouse.
Adrian, our very own artist and hairy biker.
Lorna, all round good gal who's always willing to help.
Jackie M, who keeps Scott right.

Will our chief grass cutter
Rian, beekeeper and chopper up of fallen trees.
Lady, the keeper of the graveyard or so she thinks.
Jura, the guard dog.
William, aka Ralph, our very own
Gravemarker finder and digger
All round Good Guy
Laura, chief metal detectorist and A knight in shining armour in more ways than one